Copyright © 2020 BLUBEE Srl – P.IVA 05740960876


We dream of a world where agriculture coexists with renewable energy, a sustainable and competitive agriculture thanks to the production of energy. Our motto is: “Blue and green, togheter can be seen”.


To be the leaders in the Sicilian territory in the construction and maintenance of agro-photovoltaic parks, bringing also innovation thanks to partnerships with research centers.


Our company is the bearer of values such as environmental, economic and social sustainability, legality and responsibility. We think that BLUBEE’s development in the agro-photovoltaic market is useful for all stakeholders, being able to share with them a well-being that is not only economic but based on our values.


Market share of 30% on agro-photovoltaic systems installed in Sicily for the construction, management and maintenance of agro-photovoltaic parks, as regards the electrical, mechanical and agricultural part.